i'm more than
a pretty face,
but they
don't want to hear
me speak
to read my words
on the pages of
books of poetry or novels
they simply want to appease my
deep anger and indignation
that all men can see
when they look
at me are
my good looks
they all want sex from me,
but not a relationship
because commitment is
overrated when
everyone else is giving it
away for free,
but not me
i won't sell out i'll stand here
alone if i have to because
i want a good man
one that can see past all
my beauty and charm
one that sees my
soul and heart as something
more beautiful
than the
contortions of my body.
Author Bio:
Linda M. Crate is a Pennsylvanian native born in Pittsburgh, but she was raised in the rural town of Conneautville. She attended and graduated from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania with a degree in English-Literature in 2009. Her poetry, articles, reviews, and short stories have appeared in several journals online and in print. Her chapbook A Mermaid Crashing Into Dawn was published by Fowlpox Press recently, and her novel Amethyst Epiphany is forthcoming from Assent Publishing under their imprint Phantasm Books.