To die of a bullet by Al Nusra
Or starve to death in Somalia?
How is prostitution in Thailand
Better than working at a cloth factory in Bangladesh?
Which one is less painful-
To be raped brutally in New Delhi
Or to be mutilated in Africa?
How is a post graduate working for minimum wage at McDonald’s
Living better than the sport shoe factory workers in China?
How is the massacre of thousands of Egyptians any worse than the victims of 9/11 attack at the WTC?
Who cares how many Space tours you have had?
Who is bothered to count your wealth stored in Swiss banks?
Who wants to see how bright Las Vegas is?
Who cares if you invent a million dollar iPhone?
Can any of your inventions make any changes in my life?
Can your billions save one life from a useless death?
Can your million-dollar phone connect an orphan to his dead mother?
Can your golden Las Vegas brighten the dark lives of the millions of Syrians?
I don’t care which political party does it,
I don’t care what religious banner you carry,
I only care to live life like you do,
I only want breathe what you breathe.
Don’t sell me to older men for some quick cash,
Don’t cover my soil with the blood of innocents,
Don’t bomb Syria because Syria bombed itself,
Don’t employ me as a maid in Dubai.
You create pace makers but you lost your own hearts.
You can afford a trip to the international space station
But you fall short of cash to feed a hungry child in Ethiopia.
You build skyscrapers and billion dollar apartments in Dubai and new York,
But you can’t provide shelter to the homeless woman across the street.
You spend hours on Facebook uploading selfies and self obsessed statuses,
But you cannot spend five minutes with your aging ill old mother.
Not one, all of you are guilty.
All religions have failed me
All countries have crushed me
All leaders have poisoned me
I’m humanity
Shivering, frail, aching, dying humanity.
Save me.
Author Bio:
Shahla is a Bosch University (IUKB-Switzerland) graduate with a Master's Degree in International Business Administration and a champion of extraordinary-performance workshops, developing innovative methodologies and results-oriented workshops to help businesses and university students take on greater challenges in life and produce breakthrough results. She is currently ending her doctoral degree in the UK at Cardiff Metropolitan University.
Shahla has authored several articles published internationally and a couple of books that inspire and empower individuals who face challenges in everyday life. Her interviews and articles have been published across international media and is known for her books. She was the recipient of Santandar Scholarship for Research 2013 at Cardiff Metropolitan University. She has also been the proud valedictorian at her graduation at IUKB Switzerland.
Being intensely in love with the United Nations Organization, her volunteer work with the organization is phenomenal. She was elected as the Chair for Southern region at the United Nations Youth Students Association in 2010-11. She also launched a United Nations society at her university where she served as the President of UNYSA-UWIC for another year. She currently is a member of Green Peace Cardiff and BAWSO Cardiff.