Rain drenched earth, you smell like my childhood windows
Dirty glass panes laced with
A million stories, untold.
Shelter me in your innocence.
I am drifting from one thought to another
Effortlessly gliding through the numbness within.
The distant lines of the horizon are blurry in grey
The hush left by speeding cars deafening in my ears
Morning, your gloom shrouds me like
Life is a terrarium of stillborn dreams.
Author Bio:
Simantini is a voice. An academic by profession, a neuroscientist by training, a writer by choice, and an avid lover of poetry. She writes for herself, and no one else. She writes when she has something to say that can't be said out loud. Themes she likes to explore in her writings are mental health and women and their symbiosis with the world at large. She lives in India and engages in social science and biological science research. She is perpetually at crossroads, and her writing and her poetry let's her resolve her various contradictions, reflect on herself and explore the grey area that is the human mind.