except for fools
I hear some scraping tires,
rubbing myself against ancient
shadows, I see the pestilence
of the modern world,
encroaching like a boxer,
stalking the opponent
what if the foe
was air?
Hamlet dealt with the
contagion of the spirit,
yet dreams wrap themselves
around discarded trees
shows its blond hair
I learn the meaning of
his all-hating world,
where music does not survive
lyrics are left
in the mind of the musician.
This is a disjointed time,
branches torn
off at the root,
like arms pulled
out of sockets,
there is no connection
people with masks
avoid each other,
choosing to cross
the street,
instead of passing
another human,
teasing danger
by breathing.
Author Bio:
Dennis Reed is a native New Yorker, proud father of two wonderful women and the super-grandad of two beautiful children. He is a National Endowment Winner; awards include Eminent Scholar from Norfolk University, Distinguished Teaching Award from Morehouse College, a UNCF Faculty Development Award and a travel study tour at the University of Ghana.
Reed's work has appeared in ESSENCE, STYLE, BLACK SCHOLAR, CLA, and many other journals.