When you feel nothing, when he loves the other one.
When you feel numb at his pain
When his joy doesn’t transpire into you,
You know then.
When you are insensitive to his other women
When you stop to pretend to be happy
When you stop posting photos on Facebook
Trying to convince others all is well
When you are not afraid of gossip
Then ask yourself...
When you feel that the relationship is just a contract
Merely debit and credit
When you consider that the relationship has become
Just a piece of paper
Then ask yourself...
When you stop trying to win him back
When you two are together for benefits
When you know anger towards him has left you
And the hatred and jealousy are gone...
Then you are just roommates under the same roof.
And then, you know the love has ended
And the relationship of convenience has begun.
Author Bio:
Tabassum Tahmina Shagufta Hussein is a humanitarian writer from Dhaka, Bangladesh and holds an MA in British and American Literature. Her poems appeared in publications including: Our Poetry Archive Spiritual Poetry Beyond Borders Anthology 2018, Poetry Potion, The Pangolin Review, Ink and Sword Magazine, Imomotimi Anthology, Academy of Heart and Mind, Tiny Seed, Turnpike Magazine, Spirit of Nature Anthology 2019, Pomona Valley Review, Libretto Literary Magazine, Our Poetry Archive, The Local Train Magazine, and Cephalo Press. Poetry is her vent to let her emotions not only concerning her personal feelings but also subjects close to her heart which are humanity, equality and justice. Her hobby is making jewelry for near and dear ones. She seeks beauty from the blade of grass to twinkling stars. Aestheticism is the essence of her existence.