Hurried, blurried, and far too worried
This needs to be on paper and not in my head
Deadlines, headlines, and fast-appearing wrinkle lines
What I think I’ve got down is really just begun
Tears, fears, my brink is near
Editors and teachers are discouraging
Friends lend, but I feel like I might have the bends
From the stress that keeps piling on
Red marks, grammar check barks, I’m about to jump a shark
I just need someone to say okay, let’s look at the good things.
It’s never enough. Not good enough.
And if my writing reflects me, what does that mean?
Author Bio:
Molly is a misplaced Southerner living in Buffalo NY with her dog while she earns her Ph.D. in English Ed. As a class assignment, we were asked to respond to a quote that caught our attention from the course's readings.