Everyone fill your horn
The baby cried I came
He could not be tamed
When the time came for sitting
He must not be found wanting
The time came for crawling
Round and round the house, he is brawling
His first steps were nearly messed
But he came out of it blessed
A fine young man became he
And who amongst us cannot see
His hands were strong and he worked hard
He laboured days on end and gathered
Wealth came his way and also a wife
He was so agile and could not be won in a strife
Years on, he became wealthy
To him were born so healthy
He was so famous for his wealth and agility
No one dares his ability
But just as he came into the world
A little baby wrapped in a shroud
All around crawling and brawling
So his strength and health starts dwindling
It is hard for him to see himself diminishing
And also declining
He watches and observes youthful men
Wishes he could still be like them
Wishing and wishing, he became jealous
Don't be mad old boy, you can't be them
Angry and upset he became
So sorry, you can never be the same
Accept your fate and let your heart be gay
Be thou merry all the way
Do not be sad, do not wail
A short time you have and now frail
When you are finally gone
Everyone will gather to mourn
All will grant to you what is due
Saying adieu, adieu, adieu
Author Bio:
Adejoke is a mother of two adorable kids who loves writing poems. She has a Post Graduate Diploma in Public Administration and works as a Confidential Secretary in a private university. She lives in Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria.