With a haphazard intent these encapsulated vestiges are scattered about...
a faux pearl button from my favorite overcoat, handmade by you, nearly
half a century ago,
wooden rosary beads, your abacus of prayer, noticeably worn from a lifetime
of your daily recitation,
a sepia drenched photo of you donned in faded youth,
a lonely pink petal from the single rose I laid upon your coffin that windswept,
frigid day in March.
Centered on the stark white mantelpiece, there it sits, a sealed archive of recollection and reflection, a daily reminder of the fragility of life, the proximity of death, and my innate emotional need to never let you go.
Author Bio:
Patricia Rossi is an attorney, freelance artist, and writer. Her poetry and prose have been featured in Long Island magazines, Poetry Haiku and the Boston Literary. Her personal essays have been published in major New York newspapers. One of her academic papers was selected for publication and will appear in print in the fall of 2015.
Patricia leads a variety of creative writing workshops including workshops specifically for cancer survivors and workshops for individuals coping with their own illness and/or the illness of a family member. Patricia is the proud recipient of a number of New York State funded individual artist grants. Patricia has utilized the grant monies to create and implement writing empowerment workshops exclusively for women in underserved communities in Nassau County, New York. She also serves on the board of a number of Long Island based not for profits. Patricia lives on Long Island with her husband Ed and their adorable pup, Flanagan.