We wanna celebrate Columbus even though in this glorious technology age we know he
was both murderer and rapist.
We wanna paint walls in public government buildings puke green always.
We wanna have Burger King and McDonald’s compete forever,
Sprint and Verizon,
Coke and Pepsi.
We wanna hurt the animals, immigrants, the sky,
we wanna slash the minimum wage workers when they’re already resorting to food stamps.
We wanna vote for ignorance, the color orange, and the old America.
We wanna be nostalgic instead of educated,
we wanna assume because it was good for us,
it was great.
We want to keep saying, “This is the greatest country in the world.”
It sounds pretty.
We wanna play with respect, truth and integrity,
until the words are tattered and meaningless,
stripped of their former glory,
they’re just sound bites on the evening news.
We wanna turn our backs on women, Mexicans and Muslims.
We wanna care about ourselves cause that comes easy.
We want freedom of religion but not really.
We want freedom of speech; we want people saying things,
Really, we want convenience, this is America,
what we want we get,
any means necessary and we want it now.
We sabotage ourselves,
we played ourselves.
When you chose fear and blame you screwed us.
I love this country, but it doesn’t love me back,
I love as I breathe, but how many breaths do I have left
and when I run out will I be revived or will I be discarded?
Author Bio:
Tesa Blue Flores is an aspiring poet and sex and marriage therapist. She hopes to get a book published by the time she can legally drink in this country. Her favorite poet is Charles Bukowski and she has a line from It's Ours tattooed on her wrist. She hopes to face rejection as many times as he did and still not give up.