Differently than she had been loved,
Trying to break a generation curse.
Nothing's worse,
"I love you" was never meant to be silent.
I spoke a language I was never taught,
The love language of time.
Refusing to buy my way out of being absent,
I didn't want to leave another heart in fragments,
I needed them to know I was there.
I chose eleven years of celibacy,
Not just to honor God,
I didn't trust myself to decide,
Didn't want them to ever see my heart broken, or tears fall from my eyes,
I knew love wasn't that trustworthy.
I thought I made all the right moves,
Had cracked the code,
Done better than my family had ever done before,
Only to stand toe to toe with my daughter as she calls me a whore,
Being a parent is hard.
Author Bio:
MoPoetry Phillips is a spoken word artist. She graduated from NKU in 2011 with a B.A. in English and a focus on Creative Writing. Presently, she is a student at Women Writing for (a) Change in her hometown, Cincinnati, Ohio. She represents a truly versatile poet and writer. During her early years, she was given the name Evangelist Poem for her “In His Presence” series of inspirational poetry. Her first published poems “I Don’t Want to Be Black” and “Eradication of Ventriloquy” will be released May 2019 as part of SOS Art “ For a Better World 2019” yearly collaborated work. Also, she received an AWP Journal Intro nomination for her creative, non-fiction piece, “Equals Greatness.” This mini autobiography along with 70 poems will be part of her first published book “Equals Greatness,” which will be published in 2019. In addition, she was one of thirty people invited to perform at the BPC Poetryfest in Myrtle Beach in May 2019.