To church—toddler in tow—
Birds break a solacing silence: all aglitter
With cheeriest twitters above our heads.
Good morning greetings, smiles,
Songs, prayer, scripture: into the light.
Cheerios on cathedral kneeler:
Time to go home.
Author Bio:
Wendy Gist’s poetry, fiction and essays have been featured or are forthcoming in Amsterdam Quarterly, Empty Mirror Arts and Literary Magazine, Foliate Oak, Fourth River, Grey Sparrow Journal, New Plains Review, Rio Grande Review, RipRap, Soundings Review, St. Austin Review, The Lake (UK), and many other fine journals. Gist co-edits Red Savina Review. She’s the author of the chapbook “Moods of the Dream Fog” from Finishing Line Press. Gist is a Pushcart Prize nominee and semifinalist for Best Small Fictions 2017.