We’re fighting and endless war.
More of our comrades fall every day
And a debt grows that enemy
Will never pay.
I saw a sign that said,
“Remember our fallen soldiers.”
“I could never forget!” I cried
It seems like just yesterday
They died.
I start to sob
Choking for my tears
It seems like this war won’t be over
For years.
In the heat of the moment I yell,
“Will we ever escape this hell?!”
The answer is not foreseen,
But I wish you well
It seems like only time
Will tell.
You’re fighting an endless war
A war so old, you wonder why
Then you see a fallen comrade
And a fire ignites inside.
We are all fighting an endless war
A war we never asked for.
Author Bio:
My name is Taia Thompson, and I am 12-years-old. I am in the seventh grade, and an African-American. I live in Roosevelt, NY. Writing is therapeutic for me because I get to speak out with my words on paper. I'm interested in publishing now because people have responded well to my work, and that I should share it on a larger scale. I thought, "Why not?" I enjoy writing poems and stories and find my motivation through music. One day, I would love to write a book, or even perform my own work in front of an audience.