Lining certain dungeon’s walls,
Reveal strange hints of getaway,
Glitter in uncommon afterglow.
Scary others, escalate unlikelier,
Exhort divides, goggle askance,
Loathe hate-challenged punters,
Disparage penurious occupiers.
Cohorts’ insouciance, usually
Brings gouts of visible blood,
Phials of soporific formulae,
Maybe, equally, gibbous bites.
Old castles, not Mc Mansions,
Attract caped birds, fangs, plus
Dark vision’s unsullied caskets,
And physical chemistry tracts.
Proud bats, classically acquired,
Likewise expand basic faculties,
Restore abilities, repair transport.
Bestow on fundamental charities
Convex views of satellites, suns,
Whole planets, invisible lesser
Asteroids, render lumpen ones’
Gawping into a sacred privilege.
Transmission devices’ molecular
Magnetic microstructures consist
Mostly of nidifugous chips, ought
To collude with avaricious execs.
After all, partial cement castings,
Broken sports sticks, odd atlases,
Gums of entertainment excellence;
Indicate prolepses evolve publicly.
Author Bio:
KJ Hannah Greenberg’s whimsical writing buds in pastures where gelatinous wildebeests roam and beneath the soil where fey hedgehogs play. Hannah’s poetry collections are: A Grand Sociology Lesson (Lit Fest Press, 2016), Dancing with Hedgehogs, (Fowlpox Press, 2014), The Little Temple of My Sleeping Bag (Dancing Girl Press, 2014), Citrus-Inspired Ceramics (Aldrich Press, 2013), Intelligence’s Vast Bonfires (Lazarus Media, 2012), Supernal Factors (The Camel Saloon Books on Blog, 2012), Fluid & Crystallized (Fowlpox Press, 2012), and A Bank Robber’s Bad Luck with His Ex-Girlfriend (Unbound CONTENT, 2011).