I look at the words and contemplate their fate
I feel like a god watching its creations.
Made of dust
Like they’re made of chalk
I exalted thee out of the dust
Risen from the particles is something breathing,
Something alive
The chalk on the board has meaning now,
But will it always?
I can swipe my hand and kill the bloodless words
Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return
Dust in the Wind.
Just like I too may be
When the Writer and Eraser of my life
Decides it’s time to start again
All flesh shall perish together, and man shall turn again unto dust.
And all I will be is chalk on a board
Turned to dust in the air
Author Bio:
Elli Sanchez started writing poetry and stories when she learned how to pick up a pen. She has always had a passion for storytelling, especially through poetry. She grew up in a house full of sisters, so she often went outside to write where it was quiet. Her writing is influenced by her Spanish culture, her spirituality, and nature. Even though she has taken up writing fiction, she finds herself reaching back to poetry because it allows her to reflect on life and herself. Elli is currently enrolled to receive her Bachelor’s degree in English.