Feeling the sun hitting our face
The privilege of getting up
And going for a morning run ‘
The privilege of breathing the fresh air
And not worrying about whether its clean enough
The privilege of hanging out with friends
And having the energy to do crazy things
Yes I say these are privilege
She wakes up unable to feel the sun
The Sun only dehydrates the minimal amount of hydration in her very pale skin
Sunscreen only contains chemicals that could make her more ill
The energy needed to walk does not exist in her world like it once did
A red button labeled “assistance”
has become her crutch to start her day
The outside environment is no closer than through a protective class window
The pollution and pollen in the outside air are deadly in her world
The way she sees things these are all privileges
Because she knows sooner rather than later
One morning will be the last time she will ever see the sun
Author Bio:
Kylie Silcox is a student at Alameda High School.