one to another
starts a sentence
with the word “girl”
you know in an instant
the next utterance
out of her mouth
is sure to perk up your ears
There’s the guttural
that pushes you to the edge of your seat
as if waiting for E. F. Hutton to speak
It starts deep in the belly
lips pursed
a gradual crescendo of notes up the music staff
signaling a Can I get a Amen
testimony is eminent
And there’s the bold and sassy
Girhl, seriously? –
her response to the tale you just told
that’s even hard
for you to believe
Then there’s the baritone whisper,
to get your attention
on the down-low
for that ever-important
piece of gossip
she’s itchin’ to spread
And not to forget
the high-pitched
a shrill of sorts
I couldn’t agree with you more
type of statement
So the next time
you hear a sista’ say
Ghu-u-u-r-r-r-l-l, Girhl, Gerle, Giiirl
Listen up
‘cause you’re about to hear
some JUICE!
Author Bio:
Deborah LeFalle is an active retiree who enjoys writing, supporting the arts, and spending time outdoors communing with nature. Poetry is the genre of writing she is drawn to most, with inspiration for her poems often stemming from personal experiences. Penumbra, Sisyphus Quarterly and Icon are a few of the journals where her work has appeared.