That I remember till today
Without the joy and happiness
That we are used to see everyday
Someone came to take it all away
Nothing I knew
Nothing to do
Scared I yelled
I ran and screamed for help
People I saw
Nothing to do
Just wait and maybe pray
A thankful smile
That brightened my eyes
As just a little boy
I brought back the joy
That many tried to reach
So many years back
I still look back
To those dark days
That they had covered up so well
I'm thankful now for I know now
That we all can help
Author Bio:
I was born in Caracas, Venezuela. I came to The USA when I was a sophomore to finish my high school. I am a person who likes to go outside and enjoy the weather and meeting new people. Since my family likes to travel I got used to it. Every time I have the chance, I like to travel to Germany to learn the language or go back home to visit friends and family. I like sports and I have been playing tennis since I was seven years old. I recently started taking my first poetry class as a senior in high school and I actually enjoy poetry and how it lets you express whatever is in your mind. I find writing to be a beautiful way for someone to let other people know how someone actually is from the inside without being ashamed.