and throw on a shirt from the floor with a cartoon cat
that says, I don’t do mousework on it.
You roll over onto your belly on the paisley sheets,
my head pounds like your headboard.
Swipe right for unprotected consent.
I think I loved you when you called me a pool shark,
blue chalk below your nose in a pink bathroom
Welcome to the Chicken Ranch, written in sharpie on the wall.
I blow you a kiss from the doorway of your room,
the tattoo on your butt of Steve Buscemi winks
goodbye to me.
I can’t remember your name
riding on the B Sixth train
with the Duane Reade on the corner
I take the pill, toasting to little No Named Jr.
Author Bio:
Mckenzie Zalopany is a senior at the University of South Florida. She will be graduating in Creative Writing with a minor in education, in hopes to further her schooling in a MFA program. She is currently writing a chap book entitled, Slutty Cool Mom. She is, in fact, a cool mom.