of red ants, roaches, mud
and extreme heat,
I decided to walk into the forest.
At first, yes
it lived up to its unpleasant reputation
there is no better place to sit
than under all of the towering trees.
The noise of the crickets and the wind
Whispering at the plants,
cured injuries
harmless scratches
couldn't compare to
Thin tree branches sunk into the soil
as if they were making holes on purpose
in order for people to set up tents
the forest welcomed me
and as my vision drifted
towards the details the forest carries
like a loving mother would her child,
I noticed
we are killing the purest things we know
The mockingbird doesn’t know why it sings
but it does
and everyone listens
The grass didn't pick to be green
but along with bushes with small leaves
and sunflowers
who wear bright yellow
it establishes roots of beauty
never achieved by a human being.
As I layed back,
I heard the immense tree
Speak to me
Through strength.
Our minds create buildings
And side walks
But they will never create this.
Yet our ignorance towers our abilities
and runs through these very forests
with hypocrisy.
We are hell to the thing that gives us the power to
were killing the green goddess that gives us life
but our mother will rise again
from accepting our disrespect
and kindly swallow our bodies full of toxins
Author Bio:
Annasofia Padua is a sophomore at Miami Arts Charteer majoring in creative writing. She has written work in fiction, poetry, non-fiction and more. Anna is a big nature lover and enjoys being outdoors.