This is a lonely bachelor’s advice. Of course.
Consider the world’s letters in unsinged bales.
Prepare her novice heart to taste the mails.
Tell her to memorize the missives
before setting the bonfires. Burn the majority
like dead spring leaves. Then watch the breeze –
The smoke. The plumes. Air the study rooms
between making rebuttals. Take second breaths
between lick and stamp. Sigh. Value
letters, kindness and kindling. Post
hoping to receive fewer back. I myself receive
too many offering the best advice
I already know to give myself:
Dear Little Miss LaGrone. Against probability –
Do not cast the pearls before swine
And always believe against possibility
in time.
Author Bio:
Darryl Lorenzo Wellington is a poet living in Santa Fe, NM, and his poetry has appeared in Boston Review, Chiron Review, Pedestal, Turtle Island Quarterly, and Matter Poetry, among other places. He is also a journalist whose articles address race, class, and poverty issues. He likes -- maybe overly ambitiously -- to think he is passably talented as an actor.