Digestion, only temporary.
I eat antacids
By the handful
To subdue
The tell-tale gasses--
The violence of heartburn
Blazes hot. Runs riot.
Lava dissolving
The chalk of medicine
For a hell-tempted heart.
The oven of this world
Is lit by sparks
Of our own ignition.
Our need for spice
And heat--
Before decomposition.
Author Bio:
Among other things, Daniel is the lead singer/lyricist for the indie rock band Mining for Rain (www.miningforrain.com), and for many years has been a respected community activist and organizer in the labor movement. His poems have been published in literary journals and magazines, both online and in print, in Australia, the UK, and the United States, including: The Australia Times, Blue Collar Review, Colorado Life Magazine, Journal of South Texas English Studies, The Penwood Review, Shot Glass Journal, and Wayfarer: a journal of contemplative literature. His first full-length poetry collection, A Poet Playing Doctor, was published in 2015 by White Violet Press, an imprint of Kelsay Books for "advanced formalist poets." His most recent book is Put On Your Silly Pants: poems for children and very immature adults (DaffyDowndilly Press, 2016).