as you investigated the gallery paintings,
the fruitful endeavors of a hopeful or tragic
artist, bravely portraying the landscapes
of their soul on canvass. You stared, entranced
by the Japanese brush stroke pieces.
Graffiti was another stop for you.
"Everything happening all at once," you said,
to no one in particular. "Just like life,"
When you walked out the door,
you had many universes hanging
off your hips.
Author Bio:
Mary Shanley has published three books: Hobo Code Poems, Vox Pop, Mott Street Stories and Las Vegas Stories, Side St. Press, Things They Left Behind, Side Street Press. I have been published in many lit. journals, including: Mr. Beller's Neighborhood, Undergournd Voices, Garbanzo, Writing for Our Lives, Foliate Oak Journal, Hobo Camp Review, Flagler Review, Prompt Literary Journal, Gloom Cupboard, U.K., Anak Sastra Asian Journal, Shagra-la-Shack, Tahoe News Edge. My work is featured on WBAI, Pacifica NYC.