of music
and lets us down
in a jungle
of sound.
Chords careen and slip
sky high.
The notes keep going
till they turn
and trip
on a note.
It blends into the night and comes out
the other end
something new,
a string of chords
we follow.
Jon Hendricks leads us off
the cliff of music
into the sea
of sound,
and we get lost.
Author Bio:
Born and raised in Canada, Lily Iona MacKenzie was a high school dropout who has since earned two Masters’ degrees. She has published reviews, interviews, short fiction, poetry, travel pieces, and essays in over 155 American and Canadian venues. All This, a poetry collection, was published in 2011. Her novel Fling! was released in July 2015. Curva Peligrosa, another novel, was brought out in 2017. A third novel, Freefall: A Divine Comedy, was published on January 1, 2019. She teaches creative writing at the University of San Francisco’s Fromm Institute for Lifelong Learning and blogs about writing and reading at lilyionamackenzie.com. Poetry keeps her sane!