evading, hiding from all
wreaking havoc in my mind
pushing ‘til I fall.
Through shackles, chains, and locks ~
my mind is held in place
forced to look upon my crime
but never do I get to face.
I change and yet you don’t relent ~
holding me to my sentence
causing a relapse I get stuck
behind my iron fence.
Will I ever fly and make amends ~
for my awful crime?
Set the hour to work and play,
or live out my time?
Get back from me and vanish now~
into your slimy wall
so I can see the old oak tree
and hear the raven’s caw.
Author Bio:
Lee Waggoner is an educator, musician, poet, and family man. He enjoys life to the fullest and keeps his wits through writing. An introverted-adventurer, he has traveled all over the United States and Europe in pursuit of life’s true meaning. Having experienced, overcome, and subdued every facet of life and love, Lee is the ultimate amans vitae periculosa (adventurous lover of life). For 26 years Lee has poured himself into education. First, he taught personal bass and piano students how to enjoy the love of music and for the past 10 years he has taught public school students how to think, learn, and use their imaginations. He is currently residing in Glendale, CO. where he relishes family time, enjoys the great outdoors of Colorado, writes poetry and gigs regularly with different bands and musicians.