sitting on a tipped over
Target cart waiting
for the bus yesterday,
the first warm day of spring.
I don’t think she’d care about
the recent news story:
Target Apologizes
for Labeling Plus Size Dress
Manatee Gray.
I think most women have more
to worry about.
At least the women who
have to take the bus.
She fights the patriarchy
in steel toes & blue collars.
The cart was cock red & thick
plastic, buckling under her.
Author Bio:
Jennifer Jackson Berry lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Recent poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Harpur Palate, Stone Highway Review, 5AM, Main Street Rag, Jet Fuel Review, Amethyst Arsenic, and Mead, among others. She is the author of the chapbooks When I Was a Girl (Sundress Publications, forthcoming in 2013) and Nothing But Candy (Liquid Paper Press, 2003).