Clogin’ up the drain
10 am shampoo and condition
Suds and curls run down my back
10:45 am deep conditioning
Pillow soft curls
Get stuck in between the teeth of the comb
Detangling is the worst
Can’t forget the shower cap
12:00 pm twist beyond compare
This is gonna take a minute
Let me find a good show on Netflix
12:45 pm one section at a time
Two down three to go
These twist gone be FYREEEE
Just about half way there
One section left
The pain almost over
2:00 pm Victory Is Mine !!
My neck is wet
Author Bio:
Rukaya Williams is a student at Truman State University. She wrote this poem using Rupi Kaur style to describe a typical wash day for someone like her with naturally curly hair. "Having thick natural hair can be a pain, almost feels like a second job. But at least I have toned muscles." ~ Rukaya Williams