with thousands of stars .
I try to imagine the earth's existence,
in this never ending space .
There earth is just a speck,
a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.
There resides, we the Humans, illusionary masters of this mote of dust.
Done and still doing, endless cruelties,
with own brothers, with own mother.
Spilled rivers of blood, exploited the mother earth,
only known place harbouring life.
Human kind, with evanescent, transient existence.
Delusion of having privileged position in this universe.
Not known by them, negligible existence of ourselves,
like a drop in this vast cosmic ocean.
Author Bio:
Saarthak Haldar is a science student, He writes scientific articles and journals but he likes writing poems. His poems are mostly on Human existence, Emotions, Nature and Universe.