and thus kept my roiling mind at bay,
I did feel in my gut an atrocious pillaging,
from neck to crease, as if a small demon had been swallowed
whole with breakfast.
It ranted and raved; crying: Face up to it, man!
And lo I tried, but 'twas too much of a responsibility.
When it comes to Love, I find cowardice and longing the easier
of the more divine emotions.
Author Bio:
Keith Kennedy has published poetry in Niteblade, Heroic Fantasy Quarterly, Kindling, the Poetic Pinup Revue, A Handful of Stones, Bareback Lit, Randomly Accessed Poetics, Chrysalis Zine, From the Well House, Hitherto Literary Journal, Joypuke, the Ottawa Arts Review, and the Southword Journal. Keith has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and the Rhysling Award, and was published in the SFPA's anthology of the best poetry of the year.