Slapped down soil
Grounded centre
Quality tested
Strained as
Spinning out
To impress
But will these mud walls
Hold all
I want to say
Kiln dried and glazed
Hues to please
Consenting eye
But all too brittle
Too small
To contain
Truth’s edge
Baked out earth losing
The voice
Entrusted me
Yet arching forms
Draw me in
To living clay
Beyond the vessel
For love
For freedom
Binds shards in gold
Our tears
Will mould
Our story
Author Bio:
Born in London, U.K., Ann van Wijgerden has spent most of her life in the Netherlands and the Philippines. She has had nonfiction published in The Lady and Orion, poetry and fiction in Slamchop Journal, Pulp Poets Press, Collective Unrest and Spadina Literary Review. Ann works with an NGO providing education for children living in Manila’s slums.