But this is what I came here to see: the freak shows without the freaks, the street accident without the bodies, the long evaporated results of a final solution always handed down from above, no matter what anyone thinks. This is a sentence delegated to each one of us by birthright.
In between the clouds and a sunlit sky sat several souls on stone benches sitting outside of their marble mansions. I passed by them on my right. They sat very still and dully regarded me as if I were a bit strange. “I am” I responded without speaking and moved past them.
It was as if I needed to move from beyond the finery and cruel beauty of a land of nowhere into a crueler yet more beautiful domain which is within myself.
Hell’s bells – I hear them ringing; but they don’t sound so bad.
DGS (1959 - )
Author Bio:
Dominique Williams is a blogger and Interior Designer based in New York City. She enjoys writing and though her blog is primarily about Design and architecture, she tends to direct her focus towards the psychological. Dominique loves to travel and enjoys experiencing different cultures.