Wife shrieks
During her
Bedded stretch,
Birds bathe
In dew
As morning falls
Into view
She’s coming.
The flickering
Drag queens
In her phone
Her face
Two inches away
Can’t fabulous
Soon, their
Selfie stories
Will wane shade
And she’ll sashay
Into the living room--
My coffee quaking
Ala Jurassic Park--
And death drop
Onto the couch
With a
Walloping yas.
Author Bio:
Rich Glinnen is a market researcher by day and a writer by night. He enjoys bowling, and eating gruyere with his cats at his home in Bayside, NY. He was nominated for the 2017 Best of the Net Anthology.
Glinnen's work can be read in Kenneth Warren’s Lakewood House Organ, at foliateoak.com, petrichormag.com, underwoodpress.com/ruescribe and richglinnen.tumblr.com. His wife calls him Taco.