My heart sinks to the bottom
When your eyes peer,
Laced with sky,
Across the surface.
A glory to see them
From afar,
But near and I reflect them.
To let the subdued heart
Beat its way,
Hovering distorted just below
The place where your eyes
Might meet mine,
My lip will quiver,
Sending ripples over me,
And that’s when you’ll catch sight
Of my ill-concealed heart.
Too late to dart away,
My eyes wide say,
“Come” and “Welcome."
You’re leaning on the edge,
Admiring me-
Don’t fall in.
Author Bio:
Anne is a young Canadian writer. Her poems are meant to be shared and understood based on the individual reader's experience of life. She gains her inspiration from the people and the small things about her and interweaves them with her everyday thoughts. Anne has a love for words and details and has been writing since ever she knew how to form letters and words.