And the Teacher scratched his expanding stomach and asked: “Tell me, Rush, do you have a car?”
This set the student back a bit, but his anger was still in his reply: “Damn straight. I got a ’97 Dodge Stratus.”
“You buy the 4- or 6-cylinder?”
“Six. The fours tend to blow the head gaskets.”
“How did you find it?”
“What’d’ya mean?”
“Did you buy the first car you saw?”
“No. I checked out a dozen other cars before I bought it. I went on the Internet
and looked at the safety ratings. Checked Consumer Reports and Kelley’s.”
“What kind of car do your parents own?”
“A 1995 Chevy Malibu.”
“So you own a different model than your parents?”
“Then don’t you think you should choose your religion as carefully as you did your car?”
Author Bio:
Dr. Bill DeArmond is Professor of Mass Communication and Film at Southwestern College in Winfield, Kansas. This month he has the lead story in Diodati #3 (available from Amazon) and a poem in the premiere issue of Tiny Tim's Literary Review.