let it be celery with oranges
& be good, for we lack these days
the simple & the good--
the wandering child
lost in make-believe,
the market worker who smiles
& points to fresher bread.
Laminate your mothers’ recipes
in case of rain; box
your father’s favorite suit.
There will be parties later,
mirror balls & munchies
on sticks. Count on someone
for celery with oranges, too,
a blue dish, a thing for winter’s
holiness. She’s cooking already,
furious hands & slippered feet
to help you forget
what happened yesterday
& what’s coming tomorrow.
Author Bio:
Carl Boon lives in Izmir, Turkey, where he teaches courses in American culture and literature at 9 Eylül University. His poems appear in dozens of magazines, most recently Burnt Pine, Two Peach, Lunch Ticket, and Poetry Quarterly. He is also a 2016 Pushcart Prize nominee.