Of grass so sublime, sweet and supportive;
As sugar is reaped from lines of wild canes,
True love raises life’s call as birth’s motive.
Renewed life stems from a new quest rising,
Deep questions asked and knowing answers sought,
A new breath in a new realm of living -
A mind opened, hence with emotion fraught.
A door is opened, a new land rolls out -
From its wealth, procured immeasurable
Future nestled in wind’s whispering pout;
Unity of ideas at arrival.
A nation unlike multitudes on earth,
From years of turmoil is given her birth.
Author Bio:
I'm a wife and mother of 7 children, currently enrolled in the BLS program at The University of Iowa where I've taken several Iowa Writers' Workshop courses. My poems have been published for Dead Silence, a compilation of entries into the 2010 Y-City Writers Conference Contest; Poetica Victorian Magazine (2012); The Classical Poets Society (2012); Muse, a Journal of Poetry; as well as the inaugural issue of Empty Sink Magazine (2013); and my essays are included in The Whirlwind Review (2013), Draft, a blog of process (2013), as well as Black Heart Magazine (2013), and a featured historical essay in Cottage Reader (2013); with a short story in Anthology 29 (2013); and a short story in a Halloween anthology published by Mountain Springs House (2013). I also have a short story in the Dancing With Bear Publishing Christmas anthology (2013), and a short story to be published in mid September by North2South Publishing called Whispers from the Past: Fright and Fear. My story about brain injury recovery appears in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Recovering from Traumatic Brain Injuries; and I have a literary essay published in Research Scholar.