the multiplex deck we never did
build, the shutters, the awnings
or aluminum siding.
And hardly the cobblestone streets
round the circuit of cookie cut homes
on the cul-de-sac, in the meet and greet
“hiya Jane, hiya Joe, see ya at the
block party on Saturday.”
It will be the assortment of critters that’s
always found their way to the yard;
the squirrels, the rabbits, the songbirds
that sang to the sycamores and the two
stray tux tuxedo cats that I’ll miss.
I hope the new owners will continue
to feed them. (now that we’re leaving.)
Author Bio:
When not writing, Emalisa Rose enjoys crafting with macrame. She walks with a birding group on the weekends. She lives by the beach, which provides much of the inspiration for her art. She volunteers in animal rescue tending to cat colonies. Her work has appeared in Mad Swirl, Ariel Chart, The Voices Project and other grand places. Her latest collection is "On the whims of the crosscurrents," published by Red Wolf Editions.