Not cause it was cold.
But her veins had turned dark
And her blood would run slow.
For the thought of the boy,
Who broke her soul.
Had awakened the death trap
Of feeling alone.
Little did she know with each tear she shed,
A monster would grow within her head.
Not stopping to grow
Until she couldn't cry no more.
Leaving her to fall in love,
With the feeling of being numb and alone.
Author Bio:
17-years-young, born and raised in Queens, NY, Rudy Ruiz was always the kid who questioned the world and understood the greater connection with the universe. Battling constant depressive thoughts, poetry became and outlet and soon enough he would write to try and reach out to others to let them know they are not alone. He refers to himself as, "just a boy seeking to change the world by changing himself for the greater good."