but it is self-programmed to float out
from an ordinary two-stroke engine
that goes a long way
in keeping a life dynamic
from zero to infinity
extending and contracting
its two pistons together to give and take
the desired fuel of life
for driving it in top gear
on a single lane of ever increasing longings
taking and bearing
all the prevailing risks and uncertainties
to reach a destination or a drain.
Author Bio:
Pijush Kanti Deb is a new Indian poet with more than 234 published or accepted poems and haiku in more than 75 national and international magazines and journals (print and online) including: Down in the Dirt, Tajmahal Review, Pennine Ink, Hollow Publishing, Creativica Magazine, Muse India, Teeth Dream Magazine,Hermes Poetry Journal, Madusa’s Kitchen,Grey Borders,Dead Snakes, Dagda Publishing, Blognostic and many more. His first poetry collection,’’Beneath The Shadow Of A White Pigeon’’ (Hollow Publishing), is available on Amazon.